Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 18, 1990                   TAG: 9003162258
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


\ FRED C. LEE, director of the Virginia Power Electronics Center of the Bradley Department of Electrical Engineering, received the Virginia Tech Alumni Award for Research Excellence. It was the first time the department has won such an award.

Lee also received an honorary professorship by Zhejiang University during a recent visit to the People's Republic of China.

\ YANG MO KIM of the electrical engineering department at Chungnam National University in Daejon, Korea, has joined the Virginia Power Electronics Center as a visiting professor for a year.

\ MARTHA L. BARNES and MARK R. CARTER have received the Dr. J.M. Grayson Scholarship Award as the top graduate students in the entomology department.

\ VINCENT CILIMBERG, chairman of the building construction program in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies, and HUTLAND RUTLAND, associate professor of building construction, are faculty advisers of the Constructors' Consortium, an umbrella organization that encompasses the student chapters of the Associated Builders and Contractors.

Tech's chapter of the Constructors' Consortium received an award for the best student booth at the state Associated General Contractors' annual convention at The Homestead recently. Students who organized the winning booth are STEVE FUNKHOUSER, RALPH TRINTER, TIM GIESLER, DOUGLAS DAVIDSON and CARL YORK, all enrolled in the building construction program at Tech. The students received a plaque and $100.

\ CURTIS FINCH, professor of vocational and technical education, was a technical education specialist with a Harvard University Institute International Development education sector assessment team in Egypt.

\ THOMAS H. HOHENSHIL, professor of counseling and psychology, was guest editor of the December '89 issue of the Journal of Counseling and Development on counseling services for children and adults with disabilities.

\ B. JUNE SCHMIDT, associate professor of business education, was chosen president-elect of the American Vocational Research Association at the American Vocational Association Conference in Orlando.

\ LESTER DUENK, professor of vocational-industrial education, was appointed chairman of the Teacher Development Committee for the Trade and Industrial Education Development Division.

\ ROBERT SMALL, professor of education, spoke on the Virginia Clinical Faculty program at the Virginia Association of Teachers of English Conference in Richmond.

\ PATRICIA KELLY, associate professor of education, recently presented a paper on "The Other Half of Literature Study: A Non-Critical Thinking Approach." Three doctoral students, LYNNE ALVINE, JOYCE GRAHAM and JUDITH LAWSON, also presented papers.

\ WILLIAM E. BEAL, academic career adviser and coordinating counselor in the animal science department since 1986, is the first recipient of the university's Award for Excellence in career advising.

\ WILLIAM H. ROBINSON, director of the Urban Pest Control Research Center, has received the Orkin Research Award for his work on the control of cockroaches, fleas and other urban pests.

On Campus is compiled by Christina Motley.

 by CNB