Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, April 9, 1990                   TAG: 9004090365
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A Salem man was pulled from his car as he drove through the Lincoln Terrace housing project Sunday afternoon and beaten by several men who demanded money, Roanoke police said today.

Ralph Kelly Corell, 29, told police that he gave the men $20.

The assault happened about 2:04 p.m. Corell told police he had stopped in the 1700 block of Downing Street when a man approached him and pulled him from the car.

As the man began to beat him, several others joined in the attack and demanded money, Corell told police. He was not seriously injured.

When police arrived at the scene, they found that the windshield and side windows of Corell's car had been shattered. A tool box that had been taken from the car was found in the stairwell of a nearby apartment building.

An investigation is continuing. Police reported several other robberies over the weekend:

Wanda Turpin, 26, of Kirkland Drive Northwest, was robbed Sunday of $47 and some credit cards by a man who threatened her with a razor on the 2400 block of Delta Drive Northwest.

A man reached into the back seat of a car on Hershberger Road Saturday night and tried to grab a purse. Michelle Strom, a 15-year-old occupant of the car, told police the man struck her and yanked a necklace from her neck when she tried to save the purse.

Frederick Troy Webb, 19, of the 2900 block of Glengary Avenue Northwest, was charged with robbery and larceny, police said.

A 56-year-old woman was robbed as she pumped gas at a store on the 2500 block of Shenandoah Avenue Northwest. Mary Wilson told police that a teen-ager knocked her to the ground and fled with her purse, which contained about $250 and credit cards.

 by CNB