Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 12, 1990                   TAG: 9004120481
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B4   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Two high school seniors, one from Roanoke and one from Franklin County, have won Norfolk Southern scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Corp.

Linsey C. Tear of Mayfield Drive, a student at North Cross School, and Lori J. Nixon of Wirtz, a student at Franklin County High School, were among about 1,300 winners of corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships announced for release today.

Tear, who wants to be a translator, was a member of Virginia's first Acteens Activators Abroad Team to Tanzania and was a first-place winner in a national French contest and a winner of a Latin III award.

She has been a member of the National Honor Society and of the French and Spanish honor societies, Amnesty International, Students Against Drunk Driving and the school yearbook staff.

Tear also has been treasurer of her church youth group, according to information from the Merit Scholarship Corp.

Nixon, whose career interest is chemistry, has been a member of the National Honor Society, drama club, young Democrats, was the science team captain, a member of student advisory council of the Governor's School, participated in the science forum, was a first-place winner in chemistry, participated in Girls' State, was a member of the Save the Environment Club and was a student ambassador to the Soviet Union.


Published correction ran on April 14, 1990\ Because of a reporter's error, the first name of Lindsey C. Tear of Roanoke, a corporate scholarship winner in the National Merit Scholarship competition, was misspelled in Thursday's morning editions.

Memo: correction

by CNB