Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, April 15, 1990                   TAG: 9004150037
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: CHRISTIANSBURG                                LENGTH: Short


MCDANIEL, EVERETT J.\ Mr. Everett James McDaniel, age 98, of Route 1, Box 625, Christiansburg, died in a Christiansburg hospital Saturday. He was retired from the Lynchburg Foundry Company. He was the widower of Olivia L. McDaniel. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Alieen Redmond, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Mary M. Nottage, Jamaica, N.Y.; the Rev. Ethel M. Eaves, Roanoke; Mrs. Cora M. Pack, Christiansburg; four foster daughters, Mrs. Marilyn Curtis, Roanoke; Mrs. Norma Groom, Montinez, Ga.; Mrs. Claudia Estes, Charleston, W.Va.; Mrs. Kay Whealan, Pittsburgh, Pa.; one son, J. Walter McDaniel, Norfolk; one foster son, John T. Hairston, Christiansburg; three sons-in-law, Harold L. Redmond, Washington, D.C.; Glenwood Eaves, Roanoke; Waymon Pack, Christiansburg; two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Rose McDaniel, Fairfax, Va.; Mrs. Anny McDaniel, Norfolk; 20 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; eight great-great-grandchildren; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and other relatives. Among the nieces is Mrs. Inez Fliggins, Christiansburg. Hamlar-Curtis Funeral Home, Roanoke, is in charge of arrangements.

 by CNB