Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, May 15, 1990                   TAG: 9005150154
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Mitchell Bowden, executive director of the Roanoke Valley History Museum and Historical Society, has resigned in what board president G. Logan Forsyth calls an amicable parting.

Bowden came to the museum in 1986 from Raleigh, N.C., where she was a manager with Electronic Products Design, a manufacturing business. Before that Bowden, who has a master's degree in American history with a minor in museology, received museum experience mostly in Arizona and Washington state.

Under Bowden's directorship, the museum expanded its exhibit space in Center and the Square and instituted educational programs including the Adventure Station program for children. Bowden was also instrumental in making the museum a permanent home of the "To the Rescue" life-saving squad exhibit, which is still in the planning stages.

Bowden said she came to Roanoke to be instrumental in the development of a small historical society and museum and that she has completed that mission.

Forsyth said Bowden has given the museum a high degree of visibility and has brought energy and vitality to the operation.

Bowden, 36, is on sabbatical until June 30 when her resignation takes effect. She said she has had several museum offers.

"However, I'm testing my little wings and considering a career change," Bowden said.

Nancy Connelly, the museum's assistant director, is overseeing operations while Bowden is on sabbatical.

Forsyth said that the museum will be ready by June 30th to make an announcement about the directorship.

 by CNB