Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, May 31, 1990                   TAG: 9005310426
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Kelsey Grammer, the "Cheers" star already serving a 30-day sentence for drunken-driving, was ordered Wednesday in Los Angeles to stand trial on a felony cocaine possession charge.

The 35-year-old actor, who plays pompous psychiatrist Frasier Crane on the hit TV series, wore County Jail blue shirt and pants and was unshaven for the hour-long preliminary hearing that resulted in the trial order.

Municipal Court Judge Aviva Bobb ordered him back to court June 13 for arraignment. If convicted of cocaine possession, he could be sentenced to three years in prison.

Former U.S. Sen. John Tower has had his cancerous prostate removed.

Tower, 64, underwent surgery Tuesday at Zale Lipshy University Hospital in Dallas .

"I'll be out of here in a week, and I'll be back to normal again real soon," Tower said in telephone interview from his hospital room Tuesday night.

"And one thing for sure - I'll never have prostate cancer again because they took my prostate out."

He was listed in good condition Wednesday, said hospital spokeswoman Susan Rutherford.

Tower's physician, Dr. Paul Peters, said Tower's recovery should be "unusually good."

Michael Douglas was picked to receive the third annual Spencer Tracy Award, joining William Hurt and Jimmy Stewart as recipients of the honor praising standard-setting performances.

The award, presented Wednesday, was established by Susie Tracy, the late actor's daughter, at the University of California, Los Angeles, to pay tribute to a Hollywood star whose instinctive, natural style sets him apart from other actors.

Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt, the former Dallas billionaires, are under orders to sell their Greek and Roman art collection to pay back taxes and other debts.

The ancient Greek vases, Roman bronzes and coins have been valued by Sotheby's at more than $20 million and will be sold by the auction house in New York and London during the next year, The New York Times reported.

Most of the items will be offered June 19-22.

The Hunt brothers' empire collapsed after a failed effort to corner the world silver market a decade ago.

Under a court-ordered plan, all their personal assets will be sold within six years to pay the Internal Revenue Service and other creditors.

 by CNB