Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, June 23, 1990                   TAG: 9006260384
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


MY RESIDENTIAL property faces, and at one point adjoins, Larson Oaks. For 44 years, I have enjoyed those magnificent white oaks. No one regrets their passing more than I.

But to blame one person for deforestation is going a little far. We live in a valley once covered by a mighty forest cleared away to make room for us. As far as I know, none of us worry too much about those trees. If we did, we could have made some effort to have the Larson land acquired and turned over to the county for parkland some years ago when it was rezoned for multifamily use, over the vigorous opposition of the neighborhood.

Faced with the possibility of a development similar to area apartment complexes, which keep the squad cars busy on weekends, the neighbors applauded when Bob Johnson took over and promptly had the property rezoned for single-family use. He also has been working to bring county water to our valley, whose wells have been polluted by a city trunk-sewer line that has overflowed periodically for more than 30 years. The valley is most fortunate in having Johnson, who is one of our brightest, most dedicated and hardest-working political and civic leaders.

It does seem ironic that the newspaper, one of our greatest consumers of trees, should publish a letter on such an inflammatory subject casting aspersions on Johnson. Maybe you would stop consuming those trees if we did not want our newspapers. Maybe we all (including your editor) should go out and plant a tree. JOHN COCKE ROANOKE

 by CNB