Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, June 29, 1990                   TAG: 9006290442
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW YORK                                LENGTH: Medium


Soap opera star Susan Lucci remained a nominee and not a winner Thursday as Kim Zimmer of CBS' "Guiding Light" won the best-actress Emmy and NBC's "Santa Barbara" was named outstanding series.

Talk show host Joan Rivers broke down in tears when she won her first Emmy as best talk show host. Rivers, host of the syndicated "The Joan Rivers Show," dedicated her Emmy to her late husband, Edgar Rosenberg.

Lucci, the Erica Kane of ABC's "All My Children," has been nominated a record 11 times and never has won. She was filming a television movie and wasn't at the show.

A joyous Zimmer told the black-tie audience she's leaving "Guiding Light," in which she plays Reva Shayne Lewis. Her show also won best-writing honors.

"Santa Barbara," which last year won a best-drama Emmy, took home other major Emmys this time. In addition to outstanding series, the show won a best-direction award and Emmys for the actors who play father and son on the show.

A Martinez, the Cruz Castillo of "Santa Barbara," won best-actor honors, and Henry Darrow, who plays his father Rafael, was named best supporting actor.

Julia Barr, the Brooke English of ABC's "All My Children," won as best supporting actress.

Cady McClain, the Dixie Martin on that show, also won as best juvenile actress, while an Emmy in the juvenile actor category went to Andrew Kavovit, who plays Paul Stenbeck in CBS' "As the World Turns."

Thursday's two-hour show, broadcast by ABC-TV, was hosted by Oprah Winfrey, a previous Emmy winner. Her syndicated show was nominated for four awards but didn't win.

The syndicated "Sally Jessy Raphael" series won an Emmy as best daytime talk show.

A lifetime achievement Emmy was given veteran game show producer Mark Goodson, 75. His shows include "What's My Line," "To Tell the Truth," "The Match Game" and "The Price is Right."

Bob Barker, host of the latter, won an Emmy for best host of a game show, an honor also given Alex Trebeck of the syndicated "Jeopardy!" for the second consecutive year. Trebeck's series also was named best game show.

Nominees for prime-time Emmys are to be announced Aug. 2, with the prime-time awards show to be broadcast Sept. 16 by the Fox Broadcasting Co.

 by CNB