Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, July 18, 1990                   TAG: 9007180264
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: E-9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


President Bush commended a 13-year-old New Jersey boy for rebuilding junked bicycles and giving them to sick and needy kids.

Justin Lebo of Saddle Brook, N.J., who received the commendation letter Monday, said he began giving the bikes away three years ago after he salvaged one for himself.

"I didn't use it much because I already had two pretty good ones," he said. "We looked for a children's home and called them up. There were 20 kids there and they were happy just to get one bike, so I just decided to make one for all of them."

Now, 75 bikes later, Justin said he is repairing bicycles for a home that treats children with AIDS.

James Brown, serving time for assault, may soon be allowed to live at home while completing a work-release program.

The Godfather of Soul is finishing paper work in Aiken, S.C., for the so-called extended work release. The request must be approved by state corrections officials.

The 57-year-old singer received a six-year sentence in 1988 for aggravated assault and failing to stop for a police officer. He served 15 months in prison and was moved to the work-release program in April.

The work-release center provides education and nutrition to preschoolers and job training and other services to the poor.

Brown is eligible for parole in December 1991.

 by CNB