Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 19, 1990                   TAG: 9007190530
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-14   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


IN HER July 2 article about parental notification, Pamela Patton encourages parents to give up their authority for the sake of "ensuring our children's health and lives." I would like to remind those same parents that an abortion is a very risky, major operation. There is a real possibility that their daughter could suffer severe medical complications or even death during a legal abortion.

Pro-abortion activists are against parental notification because they want their voices to be the only ones heard during a pregnant teen's most desperate hour. Their primary concerns are furthering their pet political project and protecting the multimillion-dollar abortion industry.

Ms. Patton judges all parents on the basis of a few. The majority who would not throw their pregnant daughters out in the street should not be left out of this critical decision. Nor should they give up their rightful parental authority to radical liberals and self-interested abortionists who minimize the dangers of abortion and gamble with young girls' lives. JILL RHUDY RADFORD

 by CNB