Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, February 1, 1991 TAG: 9102010691 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B-2 EDITION: EVENING SOURCE: DATELINE: BEDFORD LENGTH: Short
The reservoir - which might be used for water supply as well as recreational uses - could be created with the construction of an 80-foot dam northeast of the city where three branches of Otter Creek meet, according to Bedford County Public Service Authority Administrator William E. Jones.
Jones, who stressed that the reservoir idea is still in the earliest stages of conception, said he had few details about how long it would take to develop or how much it might cost.
"I don't even know if you could ever get it approved or not," Jones told the county Board of Supervisors and the PSA board.
Construction of the dam alone would cost about $1.3 million, he said. The reservoir's storage capacity would be more than 2 billion gallons.