Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, February 14, 1991                   TAG: 9102140491
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


I'VE BEEN in Saudi Arabia for about five months. I'm sorry to disappoint a lot of people, but we are not over here for oil. We are over here to combat an aggressive force that overran another country. Saddam Hussein is a man who would kill his mom to stay in power. He doesn't care who he has to topple to remain head honcho. With Mexico and other oil producing countries supplying the United States with extra shipments of oil, how can it be said that is our reason?

Many distressful issues surrounding Operation Desert Shield have come to our attention: desertion; conscientious objectors; another Vietnam; and back-stabbing congressmen.

I can think of better places to be, but I would never turn my back and desert even if I thought this was wrong - which I don't. Desertion should be punishable by death, no ands, ifs or buts. If you plead for conscientious-objector status, sit down and count the days you've been in the service. If it's more than one day, you are a sissy who is wimping out in the face of a possible armed confrontation. You are a coward! We are all scared we might not make it home, but we don't try to hide from it. You should be embarrassed publicly and then let out.

Congress was to blame for the "failure" of Vietnam, and it will probably be the cause of more casualties in this war. It's apparent President Bush wants Iraq out of Kuwait, by choice or by force. Why can't Congress back him? Because it only has its own interests in mind. If Congress would really support the services over here, we could kick this off and get it over with. We are confident in our abilities, but casualties aren't avoidable. No congressman or congresswoman has the nerve to say, "Yeah, I expected casualties but we had to do it." I don't totally agree with the U.S. forces taking the brunt of the proposed attack, but it is the only way we can get this over with swiftly and properly.

If you want something to complain about, how about complaining about the gas prices to the oil companies? They are ripping you off, not the president. Cpl. Joseph W. Colby Jr. FPO SAN FRANCISCO

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