Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 27, 1991                   TAG: 9103270486
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: SPRINGFIELD                                LENGTH: Medium


A lengthy federal probe has led to the discovery that mass quantities of drivers' licenses have been sold to unqualified motorists at a Department of Motor Vehicles office in Baileys Crossroads.

Much of the sales involve illegal aliens, said Renee Christina, a U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service prosecutor who is investigating the case. Christina said illegal aliens want the licenses because employers are required to obtain a number of documents from prospective employees, including proof of identification such as a driver's license.

Four driving school owners have pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Alexandria to charges of bribing, or trying to bribe, Baileys Crossroads DMV workers to sell licenses to people who did not pass the required tests.

Six employees have been fired, DMV Commissioner Donald Williams said. Three employees have pleaded guilty in the scam.

Also, a document filed in federal court says a motorist who struck and killed an elderly woman may have obtained his driver's license illegally at the Baileys Crossroads office. Margaret Masnik, 77, was hit as she walked across Leesburg Pike on Dec. 2.

"They gave someone a license to kill," Robert Masnik, the woman's son, said of the DMV.

A warrant has been issued charging Pedro Carranza, 23, of Falls Church with felony hit and run, Fairfax County police investigator David Bean said. Carranza has not been apprehended.

Court documents allege Carranza got his license from DMV employee Carolett D. Wise, 34, of Dumfries. Wise pleaded guilty Jan. 31 to giving a man a driver's license last April even though he failed a written test.

According to court records, driving school operators charged about $400 each for the illegal licenses, and DMV employees who helped make the licenses usually made $10 to $50 per transaction.

 by CNB