by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: WEDNESDAY, January 22, 1992 TAG: 9201220365 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B3 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: ROCKY MOUNT LENGTH: Short
A judge signed a temporary restraining order Tuesday preventing the Virginia Dare riverboat restaurant from leaving its moorings for dinner cruises on Smith Mountain Lake.The order was requested by a creditor who claims the limited partnership that owns the Virginia Dare is five months delinquent in payments for an on-board computerized beverage dispensing system.
Poquoson Leasing Inc. of Norfolk is seeking to keep the boat moored and weatherized in order to protect the beverage equipment from "severe winter conditions."
Poquoson Leasing is seeking a $27,127 judgment against Bluewater Cruise Co.
An attorney for Bluewater Cruise said the Virginia Dare was experiencing a temporary cash-flow problem because of the seasonal nature of the dinner cruises.
Attorney David Furrow said he would seek to work out a payment fee with Poquoson Leasing and other creditors to get the Virginia Dare ready for the summer season.
"The boat will make money," Furrow said.
Earlier Tuesday, Franklin County Circuit Judge B.A. Davis III signed a temporary restraining order that will remain in effect until a hearing is scheduled within the next 15 days, court papers show.