by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, January 24, 1992 TAG: 9201240317 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-2 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: New River Valley bureau DATELINE: FLOYD LENGTH: Short
The Floyd County School Board has voted to seek $390,000 in Virginia Public School Authority Bonds this spring.The largest chunk of the money - about $240,000 - would be used to build an auxiliary gymnasium at Floyd County High School. At its Jan. 13 meeting, the board talked about using such a facility for eighth-grade physical education and health classes.
The rest of the money would be used for grading and site improvements at the county's four elementary schools, the high school and the vocational education complex.
The Floyd County Board of Supervisors will consider the matter at its special meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. Also, a public hearing on the proposed issuance of bonds has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Feb. 18, the supervisors' next regular meeting.
Both boards must pass resolutions by Feb. 14 if the school system is to participate in the April 13 bond sale.