Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, January 29, 1992                   TAG: 9201290131
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Colts choose Marchibroda

Ted Marchibroda moved even further away from a Super Bowl victory when he was hired to coach the Indianapolis Colts, the team with the NFL's worst record this past season.

Marchibroda, the Buffalo Bills' offensive coordinator and architect of the high-tech, no-huddle offense, returned to the Colts after being fired as their coach 13 years ago by owner Robert Irsay. Marchibroda was 41-36 with the Colts.

\ The Super Bowl was seen by an estimated 120 million people. Advertising buyers paid an average of $850,000 for 54 30-second units of time, giving CBS revenues of nearly $46 million from its commercial sponsors.

CBS announced the national A.C. Nielsen rating numbers on Tuesday for the Super Bowl: 40.3 with a 61 share. Each rating point corresponds to about 921,000 homes. Only the 1986 Super Bowl between Chicago and New England was seen by more people, an estimated 127 million.

\ Richard Petty, who will retire at the end of this year, has been chosen Grand Marshal of his final Daytona 500. He will give the command, "Gentlemen, start your engines!" from the cockpit of his Pontiac Grand Prix to get the Feb. 16 race under way. It will be his 32nd start in a race he has won a record seven times.


by Archana Subramaniam by CNB