by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, February 4, 1992 TAG: 9202040049 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B7 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DOUG DOUGHTY SPORTSWRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
All-state offensive tackle Eugene Mays has become one of the most coveted football prospects to make a commitment to Virginia Tech.Mays, a 6-foot-5, 294-pounder, visited West Virginia and Nebraska before picking Tech, where he took his official visit this past weekend.
Mays, from Edison High School in Alexandria, made first-team All-Group AAA on offense and second-team on defense. He had 23 tackles for loss as a senior.
The Hokies project Mays as a defensive player based on his speed (4.9 seconds for 40 yards) and strength. He has lifted 330 pounds in the bench press and 600 in the dead lift.
Mays is waiting for the results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test taken on Jan. 25 to learn if he has qualified for a grant-in-aid.
Prospects may sign binding letters-of-intent starting Wednesday.
Mays was selected one of the Top 25 prospects in Virginia by the Roanoke Times & World-News, and he is one of seven Top 25 prospects to commit to Tech. The Hokies have a total of 20 commitments.
In other recruiting news:
Hampton defensive back Sean Hamlet, a Top 5 choice, has narrowed his choices to Tech and Florida State.
Another Top 5 selection, lineman Quincy Wynn from Deep Creek High in Chesapeake, has decided to sign with North Carolina after earlier committing to Pittsburgh.
"My conscience wouldn't let me rest," said Wynn, who called the North Carolina office Thursday to see if the Tar Heels had any scholarships available.
Defensive back Tuan Reynolds from Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke has backed out of an early commitment to James Madison and will sign Wednesday with Marshall.
"He just made a premature decision," Patrick Henry coach Ed Scott said. "He came back from his first visit and was very emotional."
Reynolds, an All-Timesland and All-Northwestern Region selection, led PH in tackles for the second year in a row. He visited JMU, Liberty and Marshall.