by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, February 4, 1992 TAG: 9202040314 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B-1 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: NEAL THOMPSON EDUCATION WRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
A Roanoke pastor on Monday became the first person to apply for one of two seats that will open this summer on the city School Board.At the same time, longtime board member Sallye Coleman announced she would not seek reappointment this year.
Coleman's term is one of two ending June 30. Tom Orr's seat also will open this summer, but he said Monday he will seek reappointment.
City Council members and school-watchers have said Coleman and Orr became part of a three-member minority on the seven-member board, along with James Turner, who was ousted as chairman.
After Wendy O'Neil was appointed, she joined Finn Pincus, Charles Day and Marilyn Curtis in what observers called a "new majority" that was more willing to question Superintendent Frank Tota's policies and put forth its own policy suggestions.
Coleman said the board realignment was not what prompted her decision to leave.
"I hate to see it come to this, but I've thought it over. It's been eight years and I think it's time for some new leadership," she said.
"She's been a good friend . . . and I think she will be missed," Turner said. "She has been especially concerned about the tendency of some of our schools to become racially isolated."
The city clerk will accept applications through early March.
The Rev. Nelson Harris, pastor of Ridgewood Baptist Church, submitted his application Monday. With two preschoolers facing 12 years in the city system, he said he wants to make sure the schools of the future are the best.
Harris, 27, graduated from Patrick Henry High School in 1983 and has degrees from Radford University and Southeastern Baptist Seminary at Wake Forest University. He belongs to a number of civic and community organizations and has worked as a volunteer in city schools.
The city clerk will accept applications through early March.