by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, February 9, 1992 TAG: 9202070071 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: C4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
ADVERTISINGTHE ADVERTISING FEDERATION OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY has received national recognition from the American Advertising Federation for its "Recycling the Right Stuff" campaign conducted from April 1991 to January 1992.
The campaign was one of three nationwide cited in the environmental section of the annual Idea Book for public service and volunteerism. It was designed to encourage and refine recycling and recognize the Roanoke Valley as a national and state leader in recycling.
STEPHEN G. SHEETS of Roanoke has been named 1991 Auctioneer of the Year by the Virginia Auctioneers Association. He is vice president of J.G. Sheets & Sons.
The news service at MARY BALDWIN COLLEGE has won an Award of Excellence for program improvement in competition sponsored by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
The award acknowledges improvement in the college's news service over the past three years. During that time, the number of press releases issued by the college has increased dramatically, particularly those that acknowledge accomplishments of students and faculty. In addition, a number of routine procedures have been automated through cooperative efforts with the college's computer center.
\ ROANOKE COLLEGE has received Mohawk Paper Mill's Award of Graphic Arts for the design of its "Serving the Roanoke Valley" brochure. Designer Bret Morey of Morey Design Group and printers Jamont Press also received recognition for the brochure.
LIONBERGER CONSTRUCTION CO. in Roanoke has received the safety performance award from the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association Insurance Co. Lionberger is the only PMA client to receive the award for both 1989 and 1990.
\ NEW RIVER ELECTRICAL CORP. in Roanoke has received a loss prevention safety recognition award from the PMA Group, an insurance group based in Philadelphia. The award is in recognition of New River's safety record from July 1, 1990, to July 1, 1991. New River is the first PMA power and transmission line construction contractor in Southwest Virginia to receive the award.
GARY W. GOYER, district manager in Roanoke for The Franklin Life Insurance Co. of Springfield, Ill., has been named a member of Franklin's Centurion Club, a national honor organization of the company's most successful sales associates.
JEWEL HUNT of Rocky Mount has won the Most Professional Buyer contest held by Carolina-Virginia Fashion Exhibitors in Charlotte, N.C. Hunt and her husband, Ben, are owners of J&J Fashions in Rocky Mount. |||||||||||||||||||||
JUNK ||||||||||||||||||||| 920207 AWARDS STORY #21974 TOPIC SUNDAY FEB09 KEYWORD2/9 DESK AUTHOR:BARRETT02/07/92 for sunday business section Sunday biz, page 4 type
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