by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, February 9, 1992 TAG: 9202090213 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: E-2 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: FALLS CHURCH LENGTH: Short
Want to be the last person listed in the telephone book? Nathan Nutter did under the alias Zzyzz.A U.S. patent examiner, Nutter changed his listing in the C&P Telephone Co. white pages to Zachary Zzyzz. He made page 1,303, after Zyzzle.
When he meets someone and they want his number, he tells them, "I'm the last person in the phone book."
There is no requirement to use your real name in the phone book, Nutter said. In fact, a phone company operator clued him in.
Nutter first asked about appearing as Mickey Mouse, but the operator said it has been done and usually results in crank calls. Ditto for Donald Duck.
Then it came to Nutter: Become the last person listed.
It may be perfect for Nutter, but not to C&P. Company spokesman Harry Doyle said the company is aware of - but frowns on - people who give aliases for their listings.
"It's not appropriate to use a false name in the book," Doyle said.
But he acknowledged that if the phone bills are paid, "We assume the name is correct."
So, has Zzyzz been zapped by a lot of annoying callers? Not one.