by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SATURDAY, February 15, 1992 TAG: 9202150110 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: SCOTT BLANCHARD SPORTSWRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Florida State basketball coach Pat Kennedy appeared to have taken a swipe at his school's former league, the Metro Conference, when he was quoted early this week saying ACC officials were "more efficient" and "let you win on the road."Kennedy's Seminoles are 6-1 in ACC road games after beating Virginia on Thursday.
Friday, Kennedy said one difference is the ACC has a full-time supervisor of officials, assistant commissioner Fred Barakat; the Metro's Dale Kelley works part-time. Kennedy praised both men but said the difference in the leagues' commitment is obvious.
"The only thing that stands out about the ACC guys is the level of consistency," Kennedy said, acknowledging that some officials work games for both leagues.
"In the Metro, we had some great crews. But I always thought the Metro needed to make more of an administrative commitment to everything they do."
Metro commissioner Ralph McFillen countered Kennedy's opinion, saying, "I don't believe officiating is the reason his team is winning on the road. Dale Kelley spends as much time on officiating during basketball season as Fred Barakat, and even out of season."
One coach who has complained about Metro officiating this year is Virginia Tech's Bill Foster, who has gotten a talking-to from McFillen.
"I can't see any real difference," Foster said. "I don't think it's any worse away than at home."
Tulane coach Perry Clark, whose 14th-ranked Green Wave plays Tech at 1 p.m. today in Cassell Coliseum, had few gripes.
"Personally, I didn't make a big deal about it," Clark said of Kennedy's comments. "I just know in my first year when we were 4-and-something, and [Kelley] listens to you and talks to you, that impressed me."
Mac Chauvin, Mike Jag and Larry Ware will work today's game.
Foster isn't ready to admit happiness with Metro officiating.
"I'll cool it the rest of the year," he said. "I've been in this too long; I'm not going to lay over and play dead, either. I'll say to [McFillen and Kelley] exactly what I think."