by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, February 18, 1992 TAG: 9202180222 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B7 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: SCOTT BLANCHARD SPORTSWRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Roanoke-based Virginia Amateur Sports, which has run the Commonwealth Games of Virginia for the past two years, may be dumped as the Games' permanent management group today if a protest by Sports Virginia of Richmond succeeds.At a meeting today in Richmond, Sports Virginia will propose, among other things, that the Governor's Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports overturn a decision made last October that VAS would run the Commonwealth Games no matter where they are held.
VAS' dismissal of executive director Doug Fonder last month and the group's shaky financial status have worried the commission.
The Richmond group has run its Virginia State Games in the state capital the past three years. Executive director Sam Carmine claims awarding the Games' management to VAS rigs the bidding process. He also cries foul at Del. C. Richard Cranwell's (D-Vinton) request that the General Assembly give $50,000 to VAS in each of the next two years. Although the bill's justification says the money is so VAS can "aid the Division of Tourism in the promotion of Virginia Sports" and does not mention the Commonwealth Games, Carmine said the bill would require the Games be held in Roanoke.
Governor's Commission chairman Aubrey Lindsey said Monday the meeting has been called to review VAS' status after Fonder's departure.
"Since the Roanoke group has changed in complexion from when the Commission initially voted, [the Commission] needs the opportunity to state whether they want to continue with that [decision]," Lindsey said. "I would think it would be wise to reconsider the motion since things have changed so dramatically."
The Commission may choose to wait and see how VAS, without a paid executive director and full-time games director, puts on the Commonwealth Games in Roanoke from June 23-30.
VAS president Jim Stutts of Mechanicsville, who is on the 22-person Governor's Commission, said he's focusing on this summer's event and doesn't know whether VAS wants to run the Games if they're outside Roanoke.
Sports Virginia's other main proposal, marketing director Frank Maloney said, is that the site of the Games be rotated around the state on a fixed schedule, beginning in Richmond from 1993-95, then moving to other sites every year or every other year.