by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, February 18, 1992 TAG: 9202180346 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: A-5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Coal production down nationwideDomestic coal production totaled 19.3 million tons during the week ending Feb. 8, down 1 percent from the 19.5 million tons produced in the previous week, the U.S. Department of Energy reported Monday.
The U.S. coal industry produced 20.8 million tons in the same week last year, according to the department's Energy Information Administration.
Wyoming ranked first among the 26 coal-producing states with 3.8 million tons produced. West Virginia was second at 3.3 million tons and Kentucky was third at 3 million tons, the agency said. Domestic coal production so far this year is 111.7 million tons, 2.6 percent behind last year's production at this time. - Associated Press
Job fair recruiters to talk future, not now
Western Virginia companies will recruit minority students in Roanoke this week, but not all of them have jobs to offer.
"There are not a lot of open jobs today," said Monty Plymale, executive vice president of Central Fidelity Bank's Southwestern region. Plymale said his bank will talk about "jobs to be, what may be."
Jobs and prospects for future work will be offered Thursday at the third annual Minority Job Fair of Total Action Against Poverty youth services.
The fair is expected to draw about 200 minority seniors from 43 colleges within a 300-mile radius of Roanoke. The event will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Roanoke Civic Center Exhibit Hall.
Twenty regional companies have confirmed their participation and others are expected, said Carla Jackson of the TAP youth services office.
The Kroger Co. will be recruiting candidates for store management training, said Joann Boone, a spokeswoman for the supermarket chain. "We have goals we are trying to meet," she said.
Advance Auto Parts will offer available and potential jobs, according to Sue Martin of the company's human resources department. Advance Auto's nine Roanoke Valley stores "almost always have a job available," she said.
Among other companies and agencies planning to participate are Cox Cable, Dominion Bank, Times-World Corp., Social Security and National Park Service.
Some juniors who plan to work in their final year in college will join the seniors, Jackson said. - Staff report