Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, March 27, 1992 TAG: 9203270473 SECTION: EDITORIAL PAGE: A-8 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
If he eats ham or seafood, he's broken the law. If he gets a haircut, he's broken the law. If he wears a cotton-polyester T-shirt, he's broken the law.
I feel certain that most fundamentalist Christians have broken all these laws and many more, yet they smugly pick out a couple of verses to self-righteously judge others. To put the Levitican law into context, it also instructs parents to murder their rebellious children!
It's almost the 21st century, and nations are still using the Bible to "prove" that whites are racially superior and that slavery is an institution ordained by God. Many denominations still use the Bible to "prove" that women cannot teach or preach in churches. And, going against current scientific findings that show sexual orientation is a natural process, many are still using the Bible to "prove" that homosexuality is a sin.
Any prejudice can be "proven" by proof-texting the Bible. May I recommend reading Romans 2:1? EUGENE BLAKE ROANOKE
by CNB