Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, March 5, 1993                   TAG: 9303050271
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Coal strike ends; some jobs are gone

Most of 9,200 United Mine Workers ended their monthlong strike Thursday, but at least one group of miners had no jobs to go back to.

Eastern Associated Coal Corp. told 83 employees that its Harris No. 2 mine in Bald Knob, Boone County, W.Va., is being closed, said Wayne Isaacs, Eastern's vice president for underground operations. Management employees at the mine are being transferred to other operations, he said.

Eastern is a subsidiary of Peabody Holding Co., the nation's largest coal producer and the union's principal target in the strike.

The UMW began its strike against Peabody subsidiaries on Feb. 2, the day after the expiration of its contract with the Bituminous Coal Operators Association. The two sides agreed Tuesday to return to the bargaining table, extending the old contract until May 3. - Associated Press

\ Pepsi to invest in Mexican facilities

The global expansion of American cola companies continued Thursday as Pepsi-Cola International said it would invest $750 million over the next five years in its operations in Mexico.

The announcement came eight days after Coca-Cola Co., the world leader in carbonated beverages, said it would spend $150 million over the same period for new or existing facilities in the interior of China.

Pepsi's move is designed to bring its soft drinks into regions that have not been reached or saturated. In the expansion's first phase, Pepsi plans to spend $115 million in joint ventures in Guadalajara, in west central Mexico; Monterrey, in the northeast; and the Mexico City suburbs of Toluca and Tlanepantla. The three markets have a combined population of nearly 6.6 million.

In each region, Pepsi will become an equity partner in the local bottling operation, increasing Pepsi's influence on marketing and advertising. - Knight-Ridder/Tribune

by Archana Subramaniam by CNB