by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, March 18, 1993 TAG: 9303180561 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: A11 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Mag Poff DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
First Union National Bank of Virginia on Wednesday named a First Union executive from Georgia as president of its Capital area in metropolitan Washington, D.C.Hugh Calvin Long II, most recently Augusta president for First Union National Bank of Georgia, will head the region that includes the former Northern Virginia operations of Roanoke-based Dominion Bankshares Corp, First American Metro Corp. of McLean and Meritor Savings Bank. All those organizations now are part of First Union's Virginia Bank.
Long will lead the merging of the three companies in one of the nation's biggest markets, said Benjamin Jenkins III, president of First National Bank of Virginia, based in Roanoke.
When the First American acquisition is completed, First Union's Capital area will have about $5 billion in assets and rank second to NationsBank in deposit share in the Washington metropolitan market.
Long joined First Union in 1986 when it acquired Georgia Railroad Bank and Trust, where he was head of the commercial lending division.
Jenkins said Long brought together 20 highly decentralized Georgia banks acquired by First Union. He also made Augusta one of First Union's most profitable markets.
In Washington, Long will be senior executive with responsibility for consumer, commercial and private banking.