by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, March 19, 1993 TAG: 9303190239 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: B11 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: George Kegley DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
The Roanoke Valley will get some extra help from the state to reverse the trend of layoffs and company closings.The Virginia General Assembly has approved funding of two state business-location assistance posts to be based at Roanoke.
The new positions were included in a budget amendment approved this winter by the legislature, Betty Ann Teeter of the state's Department of Economic Development said Thursday. The amendment was introduced by Del. Victor Thomas, D-Roanoke, who was unavailable for comment.
The logistics of the new posts have not been worked out, Teeter said, but the funding will start July 1. It apparently is the first time state economic development specialists have been assigned to a specific locality.