by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, January 7, 1993 TAG: 9301070428 SECTION: NEIGHBORS PAGE: S-8 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: staff DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
The Roanoke Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol recently installed Capt. Robert Fitzgerald as its new commander.Fitzgerald accepted command from Capt. Michael Kirk at a recent banquet celebrating the squadron's 51st anniversary.
Several presentations were made to outstanding cadets. Cadet Sgt. Robert McGrath was honored as top cadet for the year, while Cadet Airman Jairod Terrell received top new cadet honors. Cadet Airman 1st Class Jonathan Sidwell received a special award for his accomplishments during the year.
The Civil Air Patrol is the civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. It offers programs in emergency services, aerospace education and cadet training.
The Roanoke squadron has programs for men, women and youth from age 13. No flight training is required. Meetings are held each Monday at 7 p.m. in the old terminal building at Roanoke Regional Airport.
Webber Masonic lodge installs new officers
Webber High 12 Masonic Lodge 282 has elected and installed officers for 1993.
They are: Warren M. Cratch, worshipful master; Joseph R. Woznick, senior warden; Jimmie B. Layman, junior warden; Bowman N. Harris, secretary; Hugh S. Slusher, treasurer; David I. Bower, senior deacon; Charles S. Wilkerson, junior deacon; James L. Perdieu, marshal; Beverly J. Rhodes, chaplain; and Charles H. Thompson, tiler.
Altruists' scholarship winners announced
Nicole Quarles, Shayla Henry and Brenda Hale were crowned queen, first and second runners up respectively at the 41st annual Altruist Club debutantes' ball at the Roanoke Civic Center on Dec. 29. The young women will receive college scholarships, the amounts of which had not yet been determined at press time.
Quarles, a senior at William Fleming, plans to attend Hollins College and major in psychology. Henry, a Northside senior, will major in psychology with a concentration in childhood early education at James Madison University. Hale, also a senior at Fleming, will major in physical therapy at Old Dominion University.