by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SATURDAY, January 9, 1993 TAG: 9301090167 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: A5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Lon Wagner DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
As expected, opponents of countywide land-use zoning for Franklin County are beginning to organize for their next battle with the Board of Supervisors.A group calling itself Franklin County Citizens for Democratic Action has been formed, according to Jerry Hodges, a zoning opponent.
The rejuvenated anti-zoning movement comes after a Monday announcement by the supervisors that they again would take up the issue of countywide zoning at their Jan. 19 meeting.
At a public hearing in December, the supervisors voted 4-3 to zone the three remaining unzoned districts. But facing an angry crowd, the board reversed its vote and decided to ask the General Assembly to sanction advisory referendums on the issue.
Monday, board members indicated they regretted backing down and said they again would put the matter to a vote.
Hodges said Friday that the fracas over zoning may have awakened a group of Franklin County residents who had previously stayed out of politics.
He suggested the group would first battle the board over zoning, but then would stay involved in other issues.
"We're not satisfied with the way our local government has been run," he said. "Win, lose or draw, we're not going to give up after the zoning."