Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 15, 1993                   TAG: 9301150030
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: From Associated Press and staff reports
DATELINE: BOONE, N.C.                                LENGTH: Short


Bobby Jones scored 23 points to lead three VMI players with more than 20 points as the Keydets beat Appalachian State 93-86 in a Southern Conference game Wednesday night.

Appalachian State (5-5 overall, 2-2 Southern) led by 11 points in the first half, but VMI (4-6, 2-2) put together a 20-7 run as Jones, Bobby Prince and Lawrence Gullete each scored five points. VMI led 37-35 at halftime.

"Bobby Jones was the key in the second half," coach Joe Cantafio said. "He keyed our game with a couple of big steals, but they [the Mountaineers] made a heck of a comeback."

The Keydets went up by 14 in the second half, leading 57-43 with 14:23 left. Appalachian State mounted a 10-0 run, but VMI responded with eight straight points.

The Mountaineers cut it to three on five occasions down the stretch, but VMI hit four of four free-throw attempts in the final 34 seconds to hold them off.

Billy Ross led Appalachian State with 19 points, while Chad McClendon added 15.

VMI shot 56 percent for the game and 74 percent for the second half.

"I told our kids before the game that if the game is in the 70s, it'll be tough to win," Cantafio said. "We scored 93 points and end up on top. Who would've expected that?" \

see microfilm for box score


by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB