by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SATURDAY, January 16, 1993 TAG: 9301160073 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B4 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: RAY COX STAFF WRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Fred Koenig, who spent 41 years in organized baseball, part of that with the former Atlanta Braves Appalachian League team at Pulaski, died this week of a heart attack at an Oklahoma hospital. He was 61.Koenig retired from baseball after the 1992 season, his fifth in Pulaski. He had worked since 1987 for the Braves as an instructor, coach, and manager. He managed Pulaski in 1989.
Koenig said he would have retired earlier from baseball had he not been given the chance by the Braves to work again in the rookie leagues.
"That's where the fun is," he said.
Koenig began his baseball career with the St. Louis Cardinals, but never made it to the major leagues as a player. He stayed on to work in the organization in a number of capacities, eventually rising to the position of player development director.
In time, he would work as a major league coach for the Cardinals, Cubs, Angels, Rangers, and Indians.
Koenig seemed to relish hitting fungoes and coaching at first or third. He was never more in his element than hanging around the clubhouse rehashing the evening's game.
Koenig, who was living in Chouteau, Okla., when he died, is survived by his wife Dianne; sons Eric and Michael, both of Tulsa, Okla.; and a daughter, Dawn McCall of Memphis, Tenn.