by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: TUESDAY, February 2, 1993 TAG: 9302020339 SECTION: EDITORIAL PAGE: A6 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
IN REFERENCE to Hugh S. Fullerton's letter to the editor (Jan. 26) concerning promises made during the presidential campaign:He says Mr. Bush only failed on one promise, and that was no new taxes. Fullerton seems to have as short a memory as Mr. Bush, since it took him three years to find out we were in a recession. Newspaper reporters were the doom forecasters. Everything was rosy if they would just quit talking about it. But that was to be expected coming from Reagan or Bush. Both men had bad memories when something bad came out. All they wanted was a capital-gains tax cut for the rich people. It would finally trickle down, but for all the time Reagan and Bush were in office, it never got down to where I am.
Also, Bush was going to create 15 million jobs during his first four years in office. Instead, he got us to lose a few million.
President Clinton cannot undo in a few days what it took 12 years to create. So lighten up a little and give him a chance before you start saying he has broken his promises.
Our former presidents were the best at broken promises. We were supposed to have a balanced budget and it went right through the roof. So my question is: Are all Republicans so forgetful?
I remember Mr. Hoover. Does Fullerton?