by Archana Subramaniam by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: WEDNESDAY, February 10, 1993 TAG: 9302100233 SECTION: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PAGE: C5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: associated press DATELINE: GENEVA, ILL. LENGTH: Short
The couple accused of leaving their two young daughters home alone while they vacationed in Mexico were indicted Tuesday on 64 counts, some charging that the children also were physically abused."The essence of the charges is leaving the children home alone over an 18-month period of time at various times," said David Akemann, state's attorney for Kane County, where a grand jury returned the indictments.
David and Sharon Schoo also locked one girl in a crawl space for seven hours and another in a room repeatedly, beat their daughters with a belt and pulled their hair, Akemann said. One girl was scratched on the chest and abdomen and kicked in the ribs, the indictment said.
- Associated Press