by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, April 2, 1993 TAG: 9304020412 SECTION: FOUNDERS DAY PAGE: FD-3 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Harold Hoback is proud to give his alma mater most of the credit for his success in business and community affairs."Because of Virginia Tech and the Corps of Cadets I've had two parallel careers," Hoback noted. For the Roanoke business executive, his careers have included the leadership of Roanoke and state retail merchant associations and a decade of service on behalf of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
As for his latest honor, winner of the university's Alumni Distinguished Service Award, Hoback says that he knows he doesn't deserve it but is proud to look at.
As president of AFH Corporation of Roanoke, a real estate holding company, Hoback is also senior vice president of ChaTney, Thomas, Stephenson and Hill Inc., an insurance and bondTing agency.
A 1953 agriculture economics graduate, Hoback was a member of the track team, the Arnold Air Society and Alpha Zeta fraternity Hoback is particularly proud of his affiliation with the Corps of Cadets and currently serves as president and director of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Alumni Inc.
Because of his Corps experience, Hoback also developed a parallel career track: serving in the Air Force Reserve. From that, Hoback spent 10 years working with the U.S. Air Force Academy as the western Virginia regional recruiter.
Hoback has continued to serve his university in other ways, too. He serves on the board of directors of the Virginia Tech Foundation, the Virginia Tech Alumni Association, and was a charter member of the Ut Prosim Society. He was actively involved in the Virginia Tech Campaign for Excellence, serving as the national chairman for the regional campaign's committee.
Because of his deep love for the university and the Air Force, Hoback set up an endowed scholarship for Air Force ROTC students.
This past year five scholarships were awarded to Virginia Tech students.
Hoback also has continued to serve his community. He serves on the legislative committee of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Retail Merchants Association. A past director the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Virginia Retail Merchants Association, Hoback is also past chairman of the Roanoke College Associates Steering Committee and the Williamson Road Kiwanis Club.