by Bhavesh Jinadra by CNB![]()
Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, April 8, 1993 TAG: 9304080161 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: C2 EDITION: STATE SOURCE: DATELINE: WYTHEVILLE LENGTH: Short
Wytheville Community College is seeking a grant through the New River/Mount Rogers Private Industry Council to operate its Summer Youth Employment and Training Program for the ninth year.The program is to start in June. It offers jobs to those 14-21 years of age who meet Job Training Partnership Act income guidelines and who live in Bland, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth and Wythe counties or the city of Galax. They will get work experience at nonprofit work sites while earning minimum wage. They also will make educational field trips, visit industries and earn two college credits in a pre-employment skills class.
Further information is available from high school guidance offices or Wytheville Community College (telephone 228-5541, extension 406, or toll-free (800)-468-1195, extension 406).
- Southwest bureau