Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 20, 1993                   TAG: 9304200125
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Former Virginia guard Dawn Staley will have her number 24 retired at the women's basketball banquet tonight at 7 in Charlottesville's University Hall.

Staley, a four-year letter winner from Philadelphia, was twice named Champion and U.S. Basketball Writers Association player of the year. Among her numerous other awards were outstanding female athlete in the ACC in 1991 and '92, and outstanding female collegiate athlete in 1991. Staley played this past season in Segovia, Spain.

Roanoke retired the number of Michael Robin Murphy at the college's athletic awards banquet and bestowed the first award in honor of the former basketball player who died last April.

The number 52 is the sixth number retired in Roanoke men's basketball history. Murphy, who was a senior on the 1991-92 team, died of heart failure in a pick-up game two weeks before graduation.

The award, which honors an athlete that has shown perseverance in achieving athletic and academic goals, was presented to William Vasquez, a senior men's soccer player.

Vasquez was a second-team member of the Old Dominion Athletic Conference soccer team last year after transfering from Methodist. He sat out two years of college to help raise his two younger brothers. Vasquez has earned a 3.0 grade point average the past two semesters and will graduate in December with degrees in Spanish and education.

Colin McGahren earned the men's athlete of the year award. The women's athlete of the year recipient was Chase Carrick, a senior field hockey player.

McGahren, a senior lacrosse player, was first-team All-American in 1992 and is a leading candidate for the honor this year.

The women's athlete of the year is Chase Carrick, a senior field hockey player. Carrick was first-team all-ODAC, second-team All-American and team captain the past two seasons.

 by CNB