Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 21, 1993                   TAG: 9304210331
SECTION: EDITORIAL                    PAGE: A-10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


FOR YOUR readers (especially GOP delegates) to properly evaluate Ray Garland's reflections on the GOP ticket hopefuls, particularly Mike Farris, they should consider some facts.

First, Garland's sister-in-law is the local campaign coordinator for Farris' opponent in the GOP race for lieutenant governor. For Garland, failing to follow the family line might mean losing an invitation to Sunday dinner.

Second, he has neither met nor spoken to Farris. Were he to do so, he would realize that Farris consistently espouses the views of mainstream Virginia conservatives: lower taxes, less regulation, local school control, educational choice, Second Amendment rights and family values.

The GOP's infidelity to these ideals, in both word and deed, led to the visionless drift that plagued the Bush presidency. It is this drift, rather than the adherence to conservatism, that could cost the GOP dearly on Election Day. The fundamental difference between the two GOP lieutenant governor candidates is that Farris recognizes this problem while his opponent embodies it.

Farris should be commended for turning many faithful party voters into party workers, doing more to expand the Virginia GOP base than any other candidate in recent history. We owe him our thanks, not our suspicion.

Contrary to Garland's views, Farris clearly will not doom the GOP ticket. Being indistinguishable from the Democrats, however, will. CATHERINE M. WALLIN ROANOKE

 by CNB