Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: MONDAY, April 26, 1993 TAG: 9304260329 SECTION: NEWSFUN PAGE: 3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Martha Ann Stallings believes in treating each child in her Blacksburg classroom as an individual. "I like to take each child where he is she is and go from there," she said. "All third-graders don't have to do the same thing."
Stallings says allowing each pupil to progress at his or her own speed has helped make "inclusive education" a success in her room. "Inclusive education" allows teachers to teach all kinds of children, regardless of their abilities, in one classroom.
One of Stalling's pupils is autistic, and last year, she taught a Down syndrome child for half a day. That child, Peter Gwazdauskas, was the subject of a short documentary film, "Educating Peter," that won an Academy Award this year.
"Mrs. Stallings doesn't just teach math, science, social studies and health, she teaches friendship. I think friendship if the most wonderful thing everyone should learn," said the pupil who nominated her.
Stallings is married and has two children. She enjoys attending sports events with her family.
If you have a nomination for Teacher of the Week, send the name of the nominee, his or her school and why you think that teacher should be honored. Include your name, telephone number and school and send to NewsFun, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va. 24010-2491.