Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 12, 1993 TAG: 9305120038 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: By SCOTT BLANCHARD STAFF WRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Braine, accompanied by his wife, Carole, finished two days of interviews at the Big Eight Conference school Tuesday evening. He was one of four announced finalists for the job, and he became one of three when Washington State athletic director Jim Livengood withdrew his name from consideration Tuesday.
"I came out here to talk to [Iowa State] people at their invitation," Braine said from Ames, Iowa, during a break in his schedule. "That's all I promised them I would do. Carole and I will sit down and talk about it later tonight."
During two days at the school, Braine met with everybody from student groups to the school president. An open forum was conducted Tuesday at which Braine was asked questions that ranged from his philosophy to what issues he thought would arise in college athletics in coming years.
He also talked about the job he has done at Tech since arriving in 1988 with the football and basketball programs on probation.
"It was a weak situation," he told those at the open forum. "We repaired an image."
Iowa State is seeking a replacement for Max Urick, whose contract expires June 30. North Carolina State associate athletic director Nora Lynn Finch and Eastern Michigan athletic director Gene Smith are the other finalists.
"Things have gone very well," Braine said. "People here are extremely nice. It's been a very learning experience. It's nice to have something to compare our program against."