Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 1, 1993                   TAG: 9307010452
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: S-12   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


DR. NEIL D. LUTINS, son of Harvey and Louise Lutins of Roanoke, has accepted an invitation to join the Pierre Fauehard Academy, a service organization of dentists.

Lutins, who practices periodontics in Greensboro, N.C., is past president of the Guilford (N.C.) County Dental Society.

\ ALMA L. REYNOLDS of 4119 Cresthill Drive has completed the basic course in auctioneering offered by the Mendenhall School of Auctioneering in High Point, N.C.

\ BARRY W. BAIRD has joined Martin Brothers Contractors Inc. as vice president. Baird, a graduate of Virginia Tech, formerly was a commissioned officer with the Army Corps of Engineers. He is past state president of the Associated General Contractors of America and is president-elect of the Roanoke Business and Technical Education Council.

\ ROGER A. ABBOTT of 4888 Vela Circle has won a Nationwide Insurance Silver Eagle award for outstanding claims service during the past year.

Abbott joined Nationwide in 1984 as a material damage adjuster and was a general casualty adjuster before becoming a special claims representative in 1992.

\ WILLIAM H. SPENCER III, general agent in Roanoke for The Franklin Life Insurance Co. of Springfield, Ill., has earned one of the company's top sales honors.

Spencer has been named an honorable mention qualifier for the company's Centurion Club, a national sales honor organization. His qualification was based on outstanding sales totals during March.

\ DARELL SEMONES, an associate with the Jerome MacDonald Agency of the Aid Association for Lutherans in Chantilly, qualified to attend a national sales and educational conference on the basis of his sales and service during 1992.

Since joining the staff in 1980, Semones, of 417 Maplewood Drive, Vinton, has qualified for a national conference seven times.

\ SPECTRUM ENGINEERS, a Roanoke consulting engineering company, recently had three awards winners in a competition sponsored by the Consulting Engineers Council of Virginia.

Cathy Wallin, director of computer-aided drafting and design development, won first place in the mechanical division.

Karen Coleman, a mechanical technician, won second place in the mechanical division. Chris Main, an electrical designer, won second place in the electrical division.

 by CNB