Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, July 6, 1993                   TAG: 9307060089
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B6   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: WOODBRIDGE                                LENGTH: Short


Salem's Mike Brown scored on a wild pitch by Prince William's Scott Gully with two out in the ninth inning to give the Buccaneers a 4-3 Carolina League baseball victory over the Cannons on Monday afternoon.

Jeff McCurry, the Bucs' fourth pitcher, worked the ninth for his league-leading 19th save. Mark Mesewicz (2-4) got the win.

Ken Bonifay had a solo homer for the Bucs, his 14th, in the first. The Bucs (8-7) got two more runs in the fifth on RBI singles by Kevin Polcovich and Jeff Conger. The teams split the four-game series.

In Sunday's game, the Cannons sent eight batters to the plate in the fifth and got four runs on their way to a 5-4 victory over Salem in front of a more-than-capacity crowd of 7,709, many who came for the fireworks display.

After the Bucs scored a run in the third, the Cannons got a two-run homer from Bob Deller in the fifth and Greg Erickson stole home as catcher Tim Marx was throwing back to starter Michel LaPlante (0-1).

Salem cut Prince William's lead to 4-3 in the sixth with two runs. Conger scored on an error and Bonifay's single drove in Ramon Espinosa.

The Cannons added a run in the seventh on an RBI single by Tate Seefried.

Salem scored on the final play of the game as Chance Sanford grounded to first to score Brown before Seefried touched first for one out and threw Marx out at second to end the game.

\ BUC SHOT: The Bucs continue their road trip tonight when they begin a 3-game series against the Lynchburg Red Sox. \

see microfilm for box score

 by CNB