Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, July 22, 1993                   TAG: 9307220587
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: S-6   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


With the care of an artist commissioned to create a masterpiece, 4-year-old Marshall Ward-Barnett paints flowerpots for people less fortunate than himself.

Since May, the young Northeast Roanoke boy has made it his mission to brighten the lives of others by turning plain clay flowerpots of various sizes into cheerful planters which eventually will hold hardy flowers.

Marshall's flowerpots, which have begun to collect on his back porch, will end up in the hands of clients served by United Way agencies.

Marshall is participating in a communitywide event to kick off United Way's 1993 fund-raising campaign, called "A Day of Caring."

A Day of Caring, which officially begins at noon Sept. 14, will involve thousands of local volunteers in hands-on activities to benefit the agencies United Way serves, according to Jean Glontz, Day of Caring chairman.

Volunteers will paint, build fences, read to children, deliver meals and provide a number of important community services aimed at increasing public awareness about United Way agencies, Glontz said.

"It is one thing to give to a benevolent cause, but it is a far more precious and lasting thing to participate with hands-on, hearts-on cooperation in demonstrating the compassion we profess. I wish we had more 4-year-olds like Marshall," said the Rev. George Bowers, a retired Lutheran minister and friend of Marshall's family.

In a letter to area churches this spring, Bowers set a goal of 1,500 planters. He said one church agreed to do 70 but response has not been what he hoped.

"We may need Marshall's help unless we get a better response from church members for this worthy and caring venture," Bowers said. Bowers is encouraging area churches to ring their bells at noon on Sept. 14 and again at noon the following day to mark the 24-hour period that is A Day of Caring.

Marshall said making the planters is easy. Starting with clay pots his mother buys at garden shops, Marshall applies white spray paint and then uses sponges dipped in acrylic paint to make designs. Each pot is different, using a variety of colors and color schemes.

"It's fun. I like it," said Marshall, whose favorite color is red.

Marshall's mother, Rebecca Ward, said Marshall learned to paint the pots at Sunday school and has completed a few at a time since May. The young artist has completed more than 25 pots and plans to help deliver them in September.

For more information on A Day of Caring, call Jean Glontz at 345-7351. For information on bell ringing or the pots project, call Rev. George Bowers at 774-1069.

 by CNB