Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, July 31, 1993                   TAG: 9308020371
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


AFTER READING the commentary by Lee Fitzgerald in last Saturday's paper I was surprised to read at the bottom of the page that she has a husband. From the tone of the article I would have guessed that she could never become attached to one of those despicable female enslaving males who are all out to control every woman in the world.

The commentary was the most inflammatory anti-male rhetoric I've read, asserting that all the evils in the world are perpetrated by men while all women are either innocent victims or helpless by-standers. Also one may conclude from the commentary that only men are opposed to abortion. There are many women who also oppose abortion and protest against it. I wonder if Ms. Fitzgerald believes that these women want to control other women as well. To question the motives of pro-life advocates in such a manner as this commentary is, I believe, irresponsible. I do not claim that most pro-choice advocates have evil intentions, instead I belive that they are misinformed. Most pro-life people are compassionate, caring, and concerned about the well being of both the mother and the unborn child.

Finally, I do agree with the statement the there is an easy... answer to stopping abortion. Stop unwanted pregnancies. And I claim that both men and women can participate in achieving this goal. DOUG LARTZ BLACKSBURG

 by CNB