Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, August 3, 1993                   TAG: 9308030326
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A RECENT "news" story in your paper slammed Mike Farris for linking breast cancer and abortion. Why didn't you ask Mr. Farris for his sources and get the whole story before you dismissed it out of hand? I bet half of your staff was on the phone with pro-abortion physicians before Mr. Farris' echo died. Such is your idea of objective reporting. Yet, when some scientist claims to have found a gene that causes men to sodomize one another, there is an avalanche of positive news coverage about this "scientific breakthrough."

The news media have, with characteristic blindness, ignored the scientific evidence - dating back to 1960 - that abortion does indeed dramatically increase a woman's susceptibility to breast cancer. In early pregnancy, a woman has a surge of estrogen that causes her breast cells to grow, preparing, of course, for lactation. During this time, the breast cells are susceptible to carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) because they are dividing very rapidly. Full-term pregnancy and lactation complete the cycle and set the hormones straight again. The more this process is disrupted in mid-cycle through abortion, the more vulnerable a woman is to breast canccer. Similarly, lesbians are more likely to get breast cancer, because it seems that the female reproductive organs (among these I include the breasts) are granted to women on a use-it-or-lose-it basis.

The feminist philosophy posits that women cannot be powerful unless they thwart their own bodies; unless they climb a ladder of success fashioned from the bloody limbs of their own children. Normal female biological functions are the enemy, supposedly, that must be conquered. However, a woman's breasts have no idea that they are not supposed to prepare to breast-feed a child that she does not want and intends to kill. Abortion constitutes veto power over the woman's own body, which is already nurturing and preparing to nurture a child. But rest assured, in this separation of powers the female body will have its revenge. JILL BARRETT DUBLIN

 by CNB