Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, August 20, 1993 TAG: 9308200048 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B-5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Associated Press DATELINE: RALEIGH, N.C. LENGTH: Medium
"The many kind words and thoughtful prayers have lifted our spirits through difficult times," the Chicago Bulls guard said in a statement issued Thursday by his attorney, David Falk.
"I also want to express my appreciation to the local, state and federal law enforcement officers for their efforts," he said.
Jordan said he always believed that his father's death was a random act of violence and rebuked reporters who speculated that it might have been connected with shady business dealings or with his gambling.
"I was outraged when this speculation continued even after the arrests of the alleged murderers," Jordan said. "These totally unsubstantiated reports reflect a complete lack of sensitivity to basic human decency."
Authorities have charged two 18-year-olds from North Carolina - Larry Martin Demery and Daniel Andre Green - in James Jordan's death, saying the two planned to rob someone and the elder Jordan simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He was shot to death after stopping his car on a state highway to rest early on July 23 during a trip from Wilmington to Charlotte.
"When James Jordan was murdered, I lost my dad," Jordan said. "I also lost my best friend. I am trying to deal with the overwhelming feelings of loss and grief in a way that would make my dad proud. I simply cannot comprehend how others could intentionally pour salt in my open wound by insinuating that faults and mistakes in my life are in some way connected to my father's death."
Jordan did say most news accounts have been fair.
"Unfortunately, a few engaged in baseless speculation and sensationalism," he added. "These few should cause us all to pause and examine our consciences and our basic human values."
by CNB