Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: FRIDAY, September 3, 1993 TAG: 9309030222 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B1 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: JOEL TURNER STAFF WRITER DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Union drivers said they were not satisfied with the company's offer on several economic issues, including pay, sick leave and personal leave.
Union leaders would not comment on the details of the negotiations. Both sides have agreed to keep the talks confidential at this stage, they said.
"We have asked to return to the negotiating table, and the company has agreed," said Tommy Mullins, international vice president of the Amalgamated Transit Union.
Stephen Mancuso, Valley Metro's general manager, confirmed Thursday night that company officials were willing to meet again with union leaders.
"We're agreeable to another meeting, if that is what they want," Mancuso said.
There has been no talk of a strike. The last drivers' strike was in 1975, when there was a five-week walkout.
Mullins said drivers will stay on the job until the negotiators can meet again.
Because of conflicts in schedules, he said, the talks may not resume until late this month.
Mancuso said there always is disappointment when an offer is rejected, but he, too, hopes the differences can be settled amicably.
"I really need to understand the reasons they didn't accept the offer," Mancuso said.
About 5,000 passengers ride daily on Valley Metro's fleet of 35 buses.
The drivers' contract expired in July, but they have continued to work without a new one.
Health insurance was the main issue in the negotiations for the expired contract. Valley Metro agreed to increase health-care benefits after the drivers rejected the first offer then, too.