Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 14, 1993                   TAG: 9309140322
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                                LENGTH: Short


TURNER, David M., 68, of Richmond, died Sunday, September 12, 1993. He is survived by his wife, Margaret A. Turner; three daughters, Elaine Cline of Powhatan, Becky and Crystal Turner, both of Richmond; two grandsons, Aaron and Micah Cline; his mother, Draxie L. Turner of Roanoke; eight sisters, Audrey T. Short, Nancy T. Tingler, Jean T. Crowder and Marlyn T. Leech, all of Roanoke, Jackie T. Smith of Columbia, S.C., Hazel T. LaPrade and Mary Jane T. Weeks, both of Petersburg, and Ann T. Dennis of Colonial Heights. His remains rest at the Laburnum Chapel, Woody Funeral Home, 2110 E. Laburnum Avenue where the family will receive friends 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, and where funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday. Interment will be in Washington Memorial Park. Memorial gifts may be made to the American Cancer Society.

 by CNB