Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, September 23, 1993 TAG: 9309230432 SECTION: NEIGHBORS PAGE: W-5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: CHARLES STEBBINS DATELINE: NEW CASTLE LENGTH: Short
County Administrator Richard Flora said the changes clear up some unclear points and makes the ordinance easier to administer.
Among items added are a road maintenance agreement between the county and the builder and a new provision giving the county administrator authority to approve minor subdivision tracts when there is no opposition.
In adopting the changes Tuesday, the supervisors also amended the zoning ordinance to make it easier to replace a mobile home in areas where non-conforming uses for a mobile home are required.
Under the previous regulations, a new non-conforming permit was required if a mobile home owner wanted to replace a single-wide home with a double wide. Under the new provision, the change can be made without obtaining a new permit.
Permits are still required, however, to put mobile homes in areas where non-conforming permits are required.
On another matter, the board authorized Flora to borrow up to $150,000 on a short-term basis to help the county's cash flow until tax payments begin later this year.
This is a normal procedure for almost all local governing boards. It is common for cash flow to decrease greatly in the month or so before new tax payments are due.