Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, October 17, 1993 TAG: 9310150209 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-2 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
The Department of Social Services has occupied a renovated motel since 1978. During those 15 years, the size of the department and its services have increased dramatically. The department averages 2,800 client visits each month. This reflects an increase of 142 percent in the benefits program and a growth rate of almost ten-fold in programs such as adult abuse and neglect complaints and day-care services for children.
The staff and services have simply outgrown the present location. The staff must share offices, providing little privacy for clients. Files are kept in hallways. Some staff must share their offices with postage and shredding machines. The plumbing, electrical and ventilation systems are inadequate at times.
Our department works closely with the Health Department, and we have observed the gross inadequacy of its building as the department's services have outgrown its space over the past 20 years. Both departments would operate more efficiently if located together in an adequate building. Mutual clients would benefit from not having to go to two different locations for services.
It would be enlightening for voters to visit the Department of Social Services at 215 Roanoke St. and the Health Department at 401 Depot St. in Christiansburg to see these facilities first-hand.\ Father Harry B. Scott, board chairman James Moore, vice chairman N.L. Bishop Jean Bourne Dr. Mary Tom Long
by CNB