Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, October 27, 1993                   TAG: 9310270128
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A Ted Nugent tip: Drugs lead to drooling.

The rocker took time out from a hunting trip to tell Pierre, S.D., schoolchildren that drugs aren't cool.

"Drugs make people drool," he said at Jefferson Elementary School. "Drooling isn't cool."

Nugent, an avid hunter, lives in Colorado while not touring with his band, Damn Yankees. He told pupils he doesn't allow alcohol or drugs at his hunting camps.

Although Nugent's solo career in the 1970s would be more memorable to their parents, the pupils were impressed with him. "Well, he's got really long hair and a ponytail and he plays the guitar really, really loud," one youngster said. "And he doesn't drool."

Garth Brooks is the kind of guy who would give you the guitar off his back. And Snookie Langseth has the instrument to prove it.

Langseth brought a gift to Brooks' concert in Fargo, N.D., and passed it to the stage: a drawing she commissioned of Brooks, surrounded by his family, parents and singers George Strait and George Jones.

Brooks told the audience he knew it was a gift from the heart and wanted to give her one in return. He unstrapped the guitar he had used all night, signed it and passed it through the crowd to Langseth.

Langseth, from Glyndon, Minn., said she planned the gift for nearly a year and hoped "it might knock his socks off like he's done to mine more than once."

Sean Connery "flew" James Bond-style via jetpack onto the stage of David Letterman's show Monday and said reports of his death - or even his serious illness - are greatly exaggerated.

"It started in this town and went around the world," said Connery, who last week was reported hospitalized in London with throat cancer. He said the report "obviously is not true, or I wouldn't be able to speak."

The star said he was treated for a throat condition that briefly left him unable to speak. Rumors of his death began circulating in June after the death of ex-Formula 1 racing car champion James Hunt was reported as the death of James Bond, he said.

 by CNB